The demand for the latest technology should not disguise the fact, that technology is often only a small part in reaching the goal for good photos. You would never say that a gourmet chef can cook an outstanding meal, because he used only very expensive pots. Perhaps the comparison is a little bit poor because in nature photography (especially in animal photography) you need a certain level of technology. Especially the quality of the larger telephoto lenses increases if you spend more money on them.
Effect of telephoto lenses in Nature Photography
However the effect of long telephoto lenses is often totally overrated. For example, you need a distance of approximately 5-6m to make a picture from a songbird with a 600mm lens. Most wild birds have a much greater flight distance and so it is necessary to use camouflage. I use tents, cabins and the car for a hideout.
Which brand is best?

Many people spend a lot of time to compare the difference between the brands. In addition, many people in discussion forums argue about the pros and cons of their brand. In my opinion the brand isn’t relevant and so I only mention the key data here. From a focal length of 300mm, I use only a prime lenses and sometimes I use converters with it. You can also look into the exact technical details for each picture in the gallery.
- DSLMs (full-frame)
- Lenses from 14-600mm
- Converter TC14
- Close-up Lens
- Focusing Rack for Close-ups
- several Tripod (Carbon)
- Monopod (Carbon)
- Two-Way Head
- Ball Head
- Backbags
- several Tents
- Utensil, Filter, etc.
Use of flashes in Nature Photography
A flash is missing in the list, because I don’t like to use a flash in nature photography. I don’t like to work with artificial little light and especially for macro photography I prefer to use different reflectors.
Rarely without a tripod
My most important accessories are the tripods. Many of the pictures in the gallery were made at times with view light (typically in the early morning or late at evening). A tripod is not only useful for a long shutter speed but also helpful to compose a picture.