About me
At this point I would like to introduce myself. My name is Olaf Jürgens and I was born and grew up in Northwest Germany. This part of Germany where I live is named Ostwestfalen. Some say that Ostwestfalen people are a little bit bullish, but I don’t think so. Maybe a certain degree of stubbornness is quite helpful in nature photography, definitely characteristics such as patience and perseverance are needed.
How it started

I started with photography in the early eighties. At that time I photographed as
a student with an analog SLR camera. I changed completely to digital photography
in 2004. At an early age I was interested in the native flora and fauna and thats
the reason why in recent years I have worked increasingly more in nature photography.
Now I do nature photpgraphy nearly exclusively.
Why nature photography?
The fascination of nature photography is for me not only photographing itself, but also the discoveries and the experiences outdoors. This is also the reason why zoo photography isn’t interesting for me. I would be missing the special attraction of wildlife observation. I also work with other photographers outdoors, because one can only benefit from shared experiences and it is more fun.
Where are the pictures taken?

Most of my pictures were taken close to where I live. In the surroundings of my home
I have the advantage that I usually know the area very well and so I can prepare best
for photography. Wildlife photography in Germany is very complex, because wild animals
here are normally very shy, and many animals have large flight distances.
If it isn't said otherwise, the pictures in the gallery were taken in Germany.
Because of the large flight distance I took most photos with camouflage and often I
needed many trials until I was successful. Some shots were taken abroad. Especially
North America is fantastic for nature photography.
My goals with nature photography
I hope I can show you the special charm of nature photography with some of my images. Finally let me tell you that protection of nature is always important to me. My priority is respect for nests and flight distance. In case of doubt, you should prefer to pass a photo.